Advanced Insights: The hidden impact of Covid-19

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On 27 July 2022, Ofsted published a report addressing the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the children’s social care sector. Amongst other things, it identified that vulnerable children had been less visible, that service provision was, and still is running at a much lower capacity, instability and reduced support for care leavers, a significant deterioration in the mental health of children and ongoing difficulties in finding residential provisions for children, particularly in secure provisions and for children with the most complex needs.

Advanced Child Care Assessments works closely with Local Authorities, and we currently face an unprecedented level of demand as Children’s Services across the country struggle to recover from the long-term implications left from the pandemic. We continue to evolve, to meet that demand and are developing a more flexible range of services and working practices through our panel of Independent Social Worker’s and Parenting Practitioners.

We are driven to achieve the best outcomes for children and their families and strive to develop services that respond to the ever-changing needs of families and to assist our customers, who share that same goal.

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