Child Permanence Report (Annex B)
A Child Permanence Report (‘CPR’)/Annex B Report is required where the Local Authority considers, in the light of all the information it has gathered, that adoption is the preferred option for the child’s permanence.
The Child Permanence Report /Annex B report is an essential tool in enabling the Local Authority to plan for the future life of a child. The purpose of the CPR / Annex B report is to enable the agency decision-maker and, where appropriate, the adoption panel to discharge their functions under the Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005.
The CPR / Annex B report combines facts about the child and the people who have played an important part in their life to date – particularly the birth family. It also contains evidence about the child’s health, development and their need for a permanent family. The Child Permanance Report /Annex B report also contains an analysis of the options that have been considered by the agency for the future care of the child (explaining why adoption is considered the preferred option) and the current/proposed arrangements for contact.
Except in the case of relinquished babies, this will usually be where care proceedings are underway; parents oppose adoption; and the agency decision-maker/Adoption Panel has recommended a plan of adoption and the issuing of an application for a Placement Order under Section 21 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. The application for a Placement Order will then be consolidated with the Care Proceedings wherever possible in order to avoid delay for the child.
Assessments are prepared using the relevant Local Authority’s specific template, BAAF templates or ACCA’s own template, to ensure compliance with individual policies, procedures and panel requirements.
All our Independent Social Workers undertaking these reports are suitably experienced and satisfy the requirements of The Restrictions on the Preparation of Adoption Reports Regulations 2005.
adoption, but it will also assist the Local Authority in matching the child with an appropriate prospective adopter and will be a source of information about the child on which the prospective adopter will rely. The material gathered together for this report needs to be evaluated and analysed so there is a clear understanding of the child’s current and future needs and how these can be met.