Connected Persons and Fostering Assessments
The value that relatives and family friends can play in the lives of a connected child was recognised in the Children Act 1989 by virtue of the fact that it created a specific mechanism by which applications could be made to maintain those relationships.
The importance of relationships, particularly in the context of children who the Local Authority are substantively involved with, was consolidated by duties to promote contact (subject to welfare considerations/practicalities) and to explore kinship placements in the event that parents are unable to provide primary care.
Through routine instruction, our Independent Social Workers have significant experience of assessing connected persons in both public and private law proceedings whether on instruction of the local authority, the prospective carer or other party in the proceedings.

Assessments are completed in accordance with the relevant Local Authority’s templates & practice to ensure compliance with individual policies, procedures, panel requirements and having regard to the relevant Fostering and Special Guardianship Regulations and Best Practice Guidance.
The request for combined assessments is becoming increasingly prevalent and again, this is brought about by awareness of the need to avoid delay in determining the future placement of vulnerable children.
Our assessments consider the full range of orders available to the court and make recommendations both as to the appropriate form of order and required level of support.
Our Independent Social Workers can complete full connected persons assessments from 8 weeks from receipt of the letter of instruction and are able to additionally undertake these assessments internationally if needed.