Private Law Proceedings
We recognise that private law disputes can be both challenging and potentially damaging for those involved, particularly the child. In our pursuit of achieving the best outcomes for all children, we have developed a panel of highly experienced Independent Social Workers and Parenting Practitioners who can provide both a comprehensive range of social work assessments and related support services within private children law matters.
Our panel of Independent Social Workers is comprised of former (and, in some instances, current) Local Authority Social Workers and CAFCASS officers/Guardians each of whom has considerable experience in reporting to the court upon various welfare issues. Many of our Independent Social Workers and Parenting Practitioners have developed areas of specialism and we can offer assessments and support services by a practitioner with specific skills to meet your case requirements.

Our private law assessment services include:
- Section 7 welfare reports;
- Section 37 reports
Section 7 reports are ordinarily prepared by CAFCASS or the relevant Local Authority when the court requires professional social work assistance in determining a matter concerning the subject child’s welfare (when disputed between the child’s parents/carers/other connected persons). Our Independent Social Workers have experience of advising the court upon many different welfare issues including:-
- Child arrangement orders – who a child lives or spends time with… particularly in the context of allegations of domestic abuse and parental alienation
- Prohibited steps orders
- Specific issue orders
- Domestic & international relocation – including wishes & feelings work
Whilst section 37 reports are usually reserved to the relevant Local Authority, our panel of Independent Social Workers have considerable experience of completing such assessments when:
- instructed by the relevant Local Authority as agent; or
- instructed by those acting for the child through his/her rule 16.4 guardian – usually in circumstances in which the court does not agree with the recommendations made by the relevant Local Authority in its originating section 37 report.

Our panel associates’ professional experience, their routine involvement within public children law proceedings and their comparative availability makes them ideally placed to assist the court where it appears that it may be appropriate for a care or supervision order to be made in respect of the subject child.
Our assessment services within private law matters are complemented by a range of support services which aim to resolve or reduce identified risks and create an environment in which the family can move forward. Such services include:
- contact supervision;
- life story work;
- mediation & relationship repair work;
- education upon issues such as domestic abuse, parental alienation and parenting skills
We offer timeframes for the completion of welfare assessments to meet case specific requirements – completion times start from 4 weeks from receipt of the letter of instruction.