The assessment of the sibling relationship is often referred to as a Sibling Attachment Assessment, Together or Apart Assessment or more recently, as a Beyond together or Apart Assessment. It is designed to consider the relationship between siblings who have often been separated and to determine if the nature of that relationship is one that should be preserved.

Whilst the presumption should be that brothers and sisters will grow up together and we should make every effort to enable this to happen, there will be occasions when carefully thought-out decisions will need to be made to separate, not to reunite or unite brothers and sisters due to their assessed needs whilst making further decisions around their contact needs and arrangements.
There may be reasons why children are not initially placed together however, it should never be assumed that these relationships cannot be nurtured or repaired. Permanent separation of siblings should never be considered lightly and is an area of assessment that often evokes strong emotions for Social Workers.
The assessment explores the individual child’s identified holistic needs before examining in depth, the relationship between siblings. Observations of the siblings together and detailed analysis of any difficulties in the relationship will determine the benefits of reparative work, using the CoramBAAF tool, Together or Apart? Assessing Siblings for Permanent Placement.
The guidance, ‘Beyond Together or Apart’ recognises that the introduction of the Public Law Outline means that there is an aim to reduce the time in which care proceedings are concluded to 26 weeks, requiring a fresh approach to these assessments.
We recognise the significance of evidence based assessments, collaborative working practices and listening to the voices and experiences of these children in order to make decisions that will not compound their trauma. We look to ensure that initial placement decisions are not simply maintained, but challenged, and sibling relationships are given the opportunity to be nurtured and repaired so that these children can overcome their experiences and develop resilience to cope with the demands of adulthood.
Our Independent Social Workers can undertake such assessments from 4 weeks from receipt of the letter of instruction depending upon the number of children to be assessed.