Statutory LAC Visits

The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review Regulations (England) 2010 set out common requirements for the visiting of all looked after children supplemented by additional visiting requirements in respect of specific types of placement.

ACCA can assist Local Authorities in fulfilling this statutory requirement and our aim would always be to allocate a single worker to undertake the visits for as long as is required to ensure that the child is able to develop an effective and open relationship with the Independent Social Worker.

The requirements which apply to all placements, to include looked after children placed with foster carers, connected persons, in residential placements or placed at home with parents, are that as a general rule the social worker must visit:

  • Within one week of the start of any placement;
  • At intervals of not more than 6 weeks for the first year of any placement;
  • Thereafter, at intervals of not more than 6 weeks (3 months if the placement is intended to last until the child is 18).
Father and daughter with teepee in children's room

The Regulations provide for more frequent visits for children placed with parents (weekly until the first Looked After Review) and either 4 or 6 weekly thereafter depending on whether the child is subject to an Interim Care Order; for children placed with Connected Persons with temporary approval (weekly until the first Looked After Review) and 4 weekly thereafter until approved as a foster carer.

The purpose of the statutory visit is to ensure that the child’s welfare is both protected and promoted in his / her current placement and that the standards in the placement, including the child’s bedroom, are acceptable. It will also consider whether the child has a clean and appropriate bedroom, furniture suitable for their needs and, where necessary, has privacy.

Children and young people should be seen on their own but each child is an
individual and it may be stressful or distressing for a child to be seen without their
main carer. For younger children and those who are not of sufficient understanding
to give their views directly, observations will be made of the child’s demeanour,
confidence in their environment, their behaviour and interactions with the carer/s to
determine the child’s perspective and the quality of care provided

The statutory LAC visit provides an opportunity to observe the child or young person interact with others in the placement. It provides further opportunities to assess and verify the child or young person’s needs and to ensure that the placement is able to meet identified needs and to draw up support plans with colleagues and carers to help meet the needs the placement cannot fully meet.

It provides the child with an opportunity to talk privately about how they are feeling about their ongoing living arrangements.

These visits provide crucial information as to how the child is feeling about their journey whilst being ‘looked after’ and if the actions within the care plan are being achieved and are appropriately meeting the needs of the child and continue to be in their best interests. These visits inform the ongoing review process.