SNAP Programme

Undertaken by our team of experienced Parenting Practitioners, the SNAP (Strengths and Needs Analysis) Programme is an additional service, that can be included as part of our double award winning Programme, which support parents to develop their capacity to independently care for their children.

Family packing bags for children to take to school

A bespoke package of teaching and support can be provided and tailored to the parent’s individual needs. These can follow recommendations from an Independent Social Work Assessment or be directed by a Local Authority Social Worker who knows the family, their strengths and areas of difficulty.

Some of our Parenting Practitioners are trained in either the PAMS or ParentAssess models and fully understand and can implement methods of working with parents who have learning needs that harness strength and accommodate a range of learning styles.

 The use of pictorial aids, videos, role modelling and written materials are used in our parenting sessions to ensure that parents are able to engage and learn new skills which they can be supported directly to implement with their children.

Children are not born with instruction books and parenting is not always instinctive
for every mother and father. Negative early life experiences can have a significant
impact because we learn to parent through our own experiences. If those
experiences were abusive or neglectful, without an effective blueprint, a parent can
find it difficult not to simply repeat those negative parenting patterns.

Our team of Parenting Practitioners work closely with parents to assist them to develop more positive parenting strategies, that can break the chain of generational interventions by professionals into their family lives and provide the foundations of change for future generations.

Schoolgirl writing at classroom desk in primary school lesson

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