24/7 in the Home: A Case Study

A Case Study of Our Tailored Parenting Support Programmes

In a poignant case of child neglect, we stepped in to provide vital support, aiding a struggling mother in overcoming challenges to create a safe environment for her children. Initiated by an in-depth risk assessment, significant concerns regarding the children’s welfare were identified.

Recognising the urgency, the assigned Independent Social Worker (ISW) proposed integrating ACCA’s TOP Teaching resources and SNAP Analysis into a tailored version of the 24/7 in the Home Programme.


The case involved a history of parental neglect, with recent police intervention due to hazardous living conditions and neglectful care. Children exhibited various developmental and behavioural challenges, requiring intensive supervision and support. Mother’s engagement and trust in professionals remained areas of concern, necessitating close monitoring and support.

The 24/7 in the Home Programme

A unique alternative to traditional assessments, this programme facilitated comprehensive support while ensuring the children’s safety within their home environment. A dedicated team of parenting practitioners provided guidance and monitoring four days a week, effectively managing and mitigating identified risks. Community-based supervision allowed the mother to develop the necessary parenting skills gradually.

Benefits of Our Programmes

1. SNAP Programme: Tailored assessments and interventions, leveraging existing strengths within families.
2. TOP Teaching Programme: Structured, personalised instruction emphasises active learning and positive parent-child interactions.
3. 24/7 in the Home Programme: Prioritising children’s safety, offering round-the-clock support and real-life assessment of parenting skills.

The Process

ACCA commits to a comprehensive risk assessment before parenting support programmes, including detailed social history and environmental factors. Recommendations regarding programme viability and community-based evaluations are provided, ensuring immediate risk communication and informed decision-making.

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